The most distinctive feat-ire of the English legal profession' is,of course, the division between banisters' and solicitors;. Barristersappear before the“bar"' of justice, hence their name. They areassociated with one of the four Inns of Court(Lincoln's, InnerTemple, Middle Temple and Gray's),which date from the 14 thcentury.,While the national organization of solicitors, the LawSociety ,6 did not receive a Royal Charter until 183一,solicitors cantrace their profession back to the 16' century. Out of a total of 6,800 barristers, 3,800 practice? actively. There are 30,000 activesolicitors.
One may not practice simultaneously as a barrister and solicitor.The barrister is an advocate" in the higher courts, a specialist, and,quite literally, a“lawyer's lawyer",because usually he can beretained only妙a solicitor. The solicitor, on the other hand, isretained directly by the client to act as a general advisor. Whilesolicitors do specialize, partnerships(frnns)preserve the generaladvisory nature of their work. Barristers, on the other hand,cannotform partnerships or firms although they can share "Chambers".
While the barrister and solicitor receive different training, eachmust apprentice himself prior to qualification. A solicitor mustusually have a university degree, pass the qualifying examinations,and serve a two-year period of“articles”" with a practicingsolicitor. A barrister must normally have a university degree and, ifhis degree is in a field other than law, a one-year Diploma in Law.In addition to passing the Bar Examinations,“the would-be barristermust join an Inn of Court, attend a required number of dinners at hisInn and take part in other traditional activities. He must also serve ayear's“pupillage" with a practicing barrister after completing hisexaminations.
1.在這個上下文里,該短語應譯為“律師界”。有時候,“法學(律師)界”按上下文也作legal community。可以參看第二單元和。
2. banister:巴律師,也可以譯為“專門律師”或“出庭律師”。含義在文中有說明。
3. solicitor:沙律師,也可以譯為“事務律師”深圳英語口譯翻譯筆錄。
4. bar of justice:法欄,“巴律師”的譯名是音譯和意譯的結合。
6.該短語字面含義是“法學會”,但是實際上意為“律師協(xié)會/公會”。我國各地的“法學會”常被誤譯為law society,其實應是association of jurists.
7. practice:律師獨立工作或開業(yè)。
8. advocate:律師,可以參看第六單元的注釋。
9. be retained是法律術語,指“聘請律師”。它的詞跟是二tamer是。律師聘書”,“律師委托書”英語是power of attorney“律師聘請費”是retaining fee.
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